Heal Child Abuse - Healing The Scars Of Child Abuse & Child Sex Abuse


New methods and techniques for healing, calming and controlling emotions, feelings and sensations for child abuse survivors and child sex abuse survivors.

It Was My Fault - An Important Pattern For Healing

It Was My Fault - An Important Pattern For Healing

It Was My Fault - I Knew It Was Wrong ...  The great block to energy healing deeply traumatic experiences - and not just for child sex abuse survivors.

Posted Jun 29, 2017 3,873 Reads Learn More ...

Too Broken To Heal? The Challenge of Child Abuse Survivors

I think there is a global and general if rarely spoken out aloud idea even amongst healers that child abuse survivors and especially child sex abuse survivors "are too broken to heal" and all we can hope for is some kind of minor symptom relief. I'd like to firstly, put this idea squarely on the table (and out of the closet!) and secondly, discuss the flaws of that presupposition.

Posted Mar 28, 2011 10,154 Reads Learn More ...

Child Abuse Survivors & EMO

Child Abuse Survivors & EMO

A psychologist wrote to me and asked if EMO was "suitable to use with child abuse survivors".

This is what I told them.

Posted Feb 25, 2011 8,384 Reads Learn More ...

Heart Healing For Child Abuse Survivors

Heart Healing For Child Abuse Survivors

The EMO Heart Healing meditation came spontaneously into being when I received a message for help from a lady who had been sexually abused as a child and, now in her mid twenties, wasn't getting any better, but worse instead.

Posted Feb 25, 2011 10,903 Reads Learn More ...

Energy Healing For Child Abuse Survivors

Energy Healing For Child Abuse Survivors

People have a physical body, and they have an energy body. Everybody does, whether they like it or not; and this energy body can develop serious injuries if a person is being mistreated or abused, especially sexually abused, and especially so when this happens at an early age. You can't see "the scars of child sex abuse" on the body, but you can feel them *in* your body - these are the painful emotions, feedback devices that tell us when something is wrong in the energy system.

This being so, energy healing - healing the energy body of injuries and scars - is the only reliable and direct way to change the way a person "feels" - literally.

Posted Feb 25, 2011 9,409 Reads Learn More ...

Shame Cuts A Certain Way

Shame Cuts A Certain Way

This is a true EMO case story, involving a policeman, a rape victim, self mutilation and how the understanding of energy exchanges totally transforms the theory and practice of human psychology.

Posted Dec 28, 2008 21,750 Reads Learn More ...