Heal Child Abuse - Healing The Scars Of Child Abuse & Child Sex Abuse


Stories about child abuse survivors and for child abuse survivors.

NEW Art Therapy For Child Abuse Survivors: Don't Paint The Problem, Paint The Solution

NEW Art Therapy For Child Abuse Survivors: Don't Paint The Problem, Paint The Solution

I once knew an artist who had suffered from significant sexual abuse from an early age. This had caused major disturbances in his mind/body systems and as a result, he had nightmares, strange visions, problems of all kinds with his thinking and feeling. As a result he found himself, as so many child abuse survivors do, being far more "creative" than his peers and as is often the case, this led him to pursue a career in the arts.

However, there was a problem with his creativity. He painted the same picture, the same story, over and over again ...

Posted Feb 26, 2011 22,497 Reads Learn More ...

Events Model: Repressed Memory Of Child Sex Abuse - "Blue"

Events Model: Repressed Memory Of  Child Sex Abuse - "Blue"

The client is male, 32, and has an assortment of problems, ranging from a number of addictions to behaviour and learning disorders, anger management issues, depression, anxiety, nightmares, and "crazy thoughts".

He suspects that he might have sexually abused as a child but has no memory thereof, and is frightened of both remembering, and not remembering.

The practitioner has explained that they will create an events model, an artificial memory and deal with that, as a practice piece and also to get some forward movement into a system that has been stuck and spinning its wheels for the better part of three decades.

Posted Feb 26, 2011 11,900 Reads Learn More ...

Shame Cuts A Certain Way

Shame Cuts A Certain Way

This is a true EMO case story, involving a policeman, a rape victim, self mutilation and how the understanding of energy exchanges totally transforms the theory and practice of human psychology.

Posted Dec 28, 2008 22,271 Reads Learn More ...